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What we can do for you?

Zeppelin AIS


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Rail technology

Freight and passenger rail transport: for new construction, maintenance or testing of selected components for regional trains, express trains, freight wagons through to rack railroads, we are always your contact for special services.

Zeppelin is your partner certified according to EN 16910 and DIN 27201 when it comes to testing components for rail vehicles, such as wheelset shafts and bogies in maintenance operations. Our experienced inspectors, qualified according to DIN EN ISO 9712, are additionally trained according to DIN 27201 and test internationally according to customer requirements and standards recognized by DB.

We are certified to DIN EN 15085-2 for the manufacture and repair of components in the rail sector, drawing on our high level of expertise in the welding of aluminum and special materials.

But these are only a few facets of our activities in the railroad sector: We also have a high level of expertise in railroad bridge testing. Here, in addition to our qualified inspectors, you are also supported by our experienced civil engineers and welding engineers.